What is Landing Page?

When you want to use digital marketing services, it is a must to have a landing page for your business created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It’s where a person lands after they click on digital ads, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and many more.

Unlike websites, landing pages are described as digital ads-specific web pages with one CTA (call to action) button and no menu bar or navigation. It is also could be called a one-page site.

Because the purpose of the landing page is very specific, an experienced digital marketing agency will usually suggest creating a landing page as their traffic destination, if the client doesn't have a website yet.

Type of landing page you have to know

1. Lead Generation Landing Pages

Many companies use this kind of landing page to fulfill their marketing goals by collecting lead data, Therefore they could build a list of their potential clients and contact them!

2. Clickthrough Landing Pages

This kind of landing page may have been seen by a lot of people since the call to action button is linked to another platform, such as social media, chat platforms, app stores, e-commerce, and many more.