Website 101: 301 Redirects Page

If you are starter in digital marketing industry, you have to know one of website must-have items: 301 Redirects page. While your company needs to do some changes or upgrade on the website, this page could help to protect your website.

But since many people rarely change their website content, many people, included business owner and web design agency in Indonesia forget to put the 301 Redirects page.

What is 301 Redirects? How it is important to a website?

Website is full of URL or known as link. But as the link changed, it will shown on Google SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). Therefor Google recommends a website needs 301 Redirect pages, to ensure users and algorithm could directed to the correct page.

301 Redirects is the common use status code that automatically instruct search engines to move to another page. With this kind of page, it could help the algorithm to transfer SEO history to a new page, so the website rank will not be impacted.

When does your website need to use 301 Redirect pages?

There are two conditions:

1. Your website has a new domain name, and you want to make sure that the history of website traffic and SEO results could transfer to the new one.

2. You changed URL name, such as webpages, event, product/service, others, and you want to make sure that the rank will not be impacted.

301 redirects page is one of the most important part of website and SEO, since it could impact to the long term of your business website. Therefore, if your website has not this page, it is recommended to build one as protector for your website.