The differences between Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Google Analytics and Google Search Console are important tools for website administrators, but what is the difference between these two tools? Is it necessary to install both? 

First, let us understand Google Analytics!

Google Analytics

Website Visitor Orientation

Google Analytics is very suitable for analyzing visitor user behavior, such as bounce rate, stay time, the interaction between visitors and website content, and it can also set up functions such as achievement rate goals to provide reference data for the continuous progress of the website.

Instant Report

Want to know how many people currently visit the website? Google Analytics provide an instant reporting tool that is the most practical. It can quickly display detailed information such as the number of people on the current website, the content clicked, the source region, the device and operating system used.

Multi-Level View

This is a very magical report. Every user here is a string of codes, but behind each code is the behavior of users entering the website. It is an excellent tool to study the user's website usage.

High Reporting Flexibility

The content report can analyze many things, such as the content reading situation of the website. You can find the popular content, or the unpopular content, so you can adjust the business strategy of the website.

Smart Tool

The new generation of Google Analytics has smart features that can tell you that your website is experiencing abnormal traffic, or that the goals you set are performing better/lower than expected, providing website managers with a lot of useful information to improve the quality of their websites.

Then, what is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console

Website Orientation

Want to know how many times your site has been searched on the web? Is the site functioning properly? Has the site's content been crawled by Google? You can get those datas on Google Search Console.

No privacy critical data

The keyword search sources that Google Analytics can see in the past can only be found in Google Search Console. The reports are completely anonymous and can tell you which keywords web visitors use to enter your site. The importance of this report is high, and it is an important reference that can help you plan your keywords.


Although the Algorithm of Google Search Engine can automatically retrieve your website, if you provide a sitemap website, Google will retrieve the content of the website more efficiently, and you can actively submit sitemap information in Google Search Console to improve the retrieval quality of Google.

Website Index Report

When your website is scanned, it does not mean that it will be included in the database by Google. For many reasons that will affect Google's indexing rating, such as duplicate content, too little content, missing pages and more. The index report has a detailed description, telling you the current indexing situation of the website.

Website Security

Google Search Console also has a useful function, which is to provide real-time security information of the website, but it is mainly aimed at the content security of the website page, such as the website is suspected of being hacked, the website has too many errors, the website cannot work, and the website is manually intervened by Google. Google Search Console will notify you as soon as possible to reduce your losses.