Google Ads Ad Type: Google App Ads (Universal App Campaign, UAC Ads)

For your information, Google Ads (former name is Google AdWords) is the largest search ads platform in the world. In addition to the familiar Search Ads or Keyword Ads and Display Ads, the ads services also cover other diversified ads types, including shopping ads, video ads, and app ads.

In response to the current diverse and rich network behaviors, Google Ads integrates existing digital ads types and also conducts multi-platform layouts. In addition to Google's own platform, there are also Google Maps, Gmail, Google Pay, YouTube and other platforms. Computer, tablet pc, and smartphone cross-platform delivery, through a variety of channels to deliver text, picture, video and audio ads forms, to create more exposure and help digital marketing agencies find more business opportunities.

At present, Google Ads formats are divided into the search, display, shopping, video, and general applications. Digital marketing agencies can choose the appropriate ad format according to the position they want to expose.

But in this article, let us understand more about Google App Ads (Universal App Campaign, UAC Ads).

Google App Ads (Universal App Campaign, UAC Ads)

If you or your company have an app and want to promote it, it is recommended to use Google Universal App Campaign, since it is a very effective method. App ads can be delivered on the Google Play store, Google search, Google Display Network and YouTube, so as to reach more potential users. The method is very simple, as long as the app is listed on the App Store or Google Play, the system will automatically capture data from the app description information in the store, create optimized ads content, and place ads in the appropriate advertising space.


Google Universal App Campaign has one system that could automatically find target audiences, by using the information in the app store to automatically place ads and find the best digital ads positions, without the need to set keywords or placements by yourself, and will maximize the number of app installations as the goal.

For further information about Google App Ads (Universal App Campaign, UAC Ads), please contact Tomato Digital Indonesia as Google Ads Agency in Jakarta.