What do you need to know before entering the Metaverse era? Understand Web 3!

The birth of the Web 1 global information network is to solve the problem of information transmission among researchers from all over the world at that time. When the information on a website is gone, everyone can still find the information on the Internet and use it for free. Therefore, the original Web had two characteristics:

  1. It did not depend on a central organization
  2. It was not designed for profit.


In the era of Web 2, as users change from recipients of information to participants, their digital behaviors on the Internet are also recorded and controlled by companies in the form of data. At the same time, there have also been many cases of user privacy leakage and data abuse, which drives people to pay more attention to their own data security issues.

In short, Web 3 will be an era that will not rely on any central organization and will be completely controlled by the user. The essence of the Metaverse is an uninterrupted, decentralized virtual social system. Its concept is in the same vein as Web 3, and Web 3 is the cornerstone of the continuous operation of the Metaverse.

The Internet still faces enormous challenges on the way to Web 3, and these problems currently seem to be difficult to solve in a short period of time. Whatever Web 3 will bring, it can be assumed that it will be accompanied by changes in SEO service, web design service, and content marketing. For example search functions have become more personal and website design has become more complex.