Learn! SEO keyword analysis is difficult, so experts expose SEO public secrets!

SEO keyword strategy is the top priority of website optimization. Choosing the keywords to be used should not only be relevant to the industry, but also analyze the keyword search traffic and the words used by competitors. Failure to do a good job in keyword analysis will affect the subsequent website optimization results.

From the perspective of a beginner in SEO service, keyword analysis is not easy. To be honest, there is no absolutely correct way to select SEO keywords, because each user has his own way of thinking, searching, and wanting to get information. But SEO experts have their own public secrets about how they analyze keywords. Here are some tips shared by experts to teach you how to conduct keyword analysis!

Tips 1: First understand the search behavior of the target audience

You can start by thinking about what keywords your target audience will use, such as: related terms that are commonly used in the market, regional, words that users think about your industry or products or services for the first time, you promotion words that are often used, and many more.

Tips 2: Use SEO Keyword Tool

When developing keywords, you can not just rely on researching your audience search behavior. You need partner in crime to help you find the right SEO keywords. The partner in crime here is not a colleague, but an SEO tool!

There are many free SEO keyword tools available on the Internet, such as Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends. Use these tools to find more keywords that users are searching for and what's currently trending.

Tips 3: Check again whether the website information has been provided completely!

You must reconfirm that the website information is complete. This part is really important to prevent potential customers from finding contact information when they visit your website, making your website's bounce rate high. Usually, the company website should provide basic information such as logo, company address, and contact information.

Regardless of whether you have selected suitable keywords, provided complete website information, or even set the META of the website, regular website optimization is still a must for the company's website! Since SEO keyword optimization takes a period of time to get results, planning a long-term marketing strategy is the focus of SEO optimization.