The Realities of Influencer Marketing's Limited Impact

Many organizations nowadays are seeking for quick solutions to enhance their sales through influencer marketing. It appears to have certain advantages, not only in terms of increasing sales or conversions, but also in terms of earning the maximum ROI. However, is it truly effective?

Reasons Why Influencer Marketing is Less Effective

The truth is, influencers are humans too, not magicians;so don’t expect them to enhance your sales overnight with some buzz. In contrast to conventional belief, influencer marketing is not the most effective marketing strategy. Here are some reasons:

Expensive price

Influencer fees are based on post type and the number of followers. The influencer rate card will be more costly the more followers it has. If your company is just getting started, you should carefully examine whether you need to engage influencers to endorse it.

There is a risk

Here are some factors that might determine whether your influencer marketing would be success: 

1. The number of followers the influencer has.

2. Content relevance between influencer, product and target audience..

Let's now consider the worst-case scenario:

An influencer you recruited to create content for your business or product ultimately produced unappealing material that wasn't relevant to your target market.

We have seen too much of this evidence, and it's unlikely to bring any benefit to your company. Chances are, you won't get much out of their promotional efforts.Your investment might be useless.

There is No ROI Guarantee

Influencer marketing doesn't always fail. No doubt. Influencer marketing has proven successful for several firms. However, it does not always guarantee success, just like any other marketing tactic.

Thousands of people may follow an influencer. This does not necessarily imply that they can persuade everyone who follows them on social media to purchase your product. That is, the number of interactions on influencer platforms does not correspond to the number of brand-related purchases.

Even if an Influencer has thousands of loyal followers, it doesn't guarantee you will get the maximum ROI.

The trend of influencer marketing has been known by many internet users, so when they see an influencer promoting a brand or product, many people will not really respond.

This will result in you not getting as much traffic or sales as you hoped. Of course this will hurt the costs you invest in your business.


Considering the reasons mentioned above, you can see why influencer marketing is not an effective marketing strategy. If you want to get an effective marketing strategy, contact Tomato Digital Indonesia which provides digital marketing solutions ranging from PPC advertising, social media marketing, SEO and company website development.

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