Google predicts some changes caused by pandemic will be permanent

Covid-19 pandemic changes everything. International lockdowns really hit every industry, and consumer behavior changes constantly. Because of the changes, Google predicts some of these pivots related to digital marketing will become permanent.

1. Online shopping

Consumers are increasingly turning to Google Search Engines to research the products they want.

Not only that, consumer behavior throughout the pandemic shows they’re keen to find a new way or alternatives when something is not working.

Because of the pandemic, some people turned to online shopping for the first time in their lives out of necessity.

2. Virtual events will continue

Because of the international lockdown, forced all events to cancel, which led to virtual events.

Live events will eventually return since consumers have experienced the convenience of attending events from their homes. Otherwise, virtual events will need to deliver an outstanding experience to draw them back in.

3. Working From Home (WFH) Will Continue

Companies have changed the way to work from home. Although some people may prefer traditional in-office work, many people have been exhibiting a growing desire to do all things at home and avoid commuting to the office.